The animated film tells the story of Kat, a young girl who was orphaned when her parents died in a car accident. She was admitted to a school run by a corrupt priest, where she meets other children and a nun who shares more things in common with her than she agrees. Kat eventually learns that she is a Hell Maiden and gains the attention of two demons, Wendell and Wild, who conspire to use Kat to escape from the bigger demon, Belzer. But who is Belzer? And what significance does he play?
Who is Belzer in Wendell and Wild?
Buffalo Belzer, the demon whose character is bigger than his physical size, is the father of Wendell and Wild. He was voiced by Ving Rhames. He is a giant, purple demon with a big belly that houses the amusement park where Wendell and Wild work. Belzer keeps his sons in his nostrils and sneezes them out when he wants to talk to them. He soon learns he was tricked by his sons, who stole his hair cream for their plans. Belzer bursts into the world of the living to look for Wendell and Wild, seizing Kat and her friends before bargaining with Manberg for all his children.
Is Buffalo Belzer a part of any other stories?
Buffalo Belzer is a demon character created only for Wendell and Wild. There are no other shows, films, or novels where Buffalo Belzer exists as of writing.