The first season of the series premiered on January 2021, with the second season coming out only a few months later in June. The show Lupin follows Assane and his quest to clear his father’s name of false allegations for Hubert Pellegrini. Lupin’s second season ended with a bang when Assane finally proved his father’s innocence, and he was able to send Pellegrini to prison. But is this the end?

Is Lupin Canceled?

No! Lupin Is not cancelled! In fact, on May 2021, Omar Sy tweeted confirming that the series has been renewed for a third season. Around November 2021, Sy also tweeted an update, sharing that third season of Lupin was already in production. There are still no confirmed release dates for the series, but we we may watch the new season by early 2023 if its production concludes soon. Sy talked about Assane’s return after going in hiding because of everything that happened in season 2. The adventure and all the action seems to be far from over for Assane and his loved ones, with season 3 maybe answering all of the questions we still have about the series.

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